Thursday, April 30, 2009


Since it has gotten warmer Perry has been working hard to get the lawn and yard ready (and has done an awesome job might I add). He even made a garden for us which I am really excited about. (I just hope I don't kill everything and we'll have yummy fruits and veggies this summer.) Anyway, we've been spending alot more time in the yard and I couldn't help but post these pictures.
Here's the garden Perry has worked hard at making.
Logan definitely cannot get enough of Sport. Sometimes I think she loves him more than us.

Finally standing by herself. No, she is not walking yet though... Considering it took her soo long to crawl she is taking forever to walk too. She is a funny girl, she definitely does everything on her own time frame. I've learned to just accept the fact she'll do it when she wants.

Love this picture of Perry and her.

She loves to give kisses now. Sometimes they are a bit slobbery, but it is still cute. The end...


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of Perry and Logan. They are so cute. That was nice of you to put Hallie on your blog. Our family is definitely growing. We love you all.

Chanel said...

I love the pics. Logan is just to cute and Perry is looking pretty dang good too I might add.

Jessie said...

The garden looks great! Good job Perry, now come do my backyard!!

I love the picture of Sport and Logan! Speaking of sport...I need to go get my dogs a bark collar before I kill them! Ha!

BRIANA said...

She is ridiculously cute! We need to get together again!

Blake and Leslie said...

Your backyard looks really good! I bet you have been working hard on it. Tell Lauri and Sherri congrats!!! Hallie is way cute, I bet her and Logan will have a great time. Love the pictures of Logan and sport! She's too cute for words.

Annie. said...

The Daddy and daughter photos are so sweet. Perry is looking so good, too! That's way exciting for him. Also, I am impressed with his garden. We need to get going on OUR yard now!