Ok--so it has been far too long since I have blogged. I have been lazy, busy, and just plum haven't felt like blogging....So, today is the day for me to get caught up on what I have been meaning to post. Is it just me or has summer gone by waaaayy to fast?!! I thought I would finish posting some of our summer activities from the past couple weeks..So, here goes...(warning: definite overload of pictures)
For Labor day we went camping to Mancos (big surprise) It was so relaxing to hang out with my hubby and Aaron and Kassi and Chelsey and Scott and their kids. (yeaaay!-people came with us for once-love it!) Anyway-we had a good ole time.
Logan got a hold of Harley's sunglasses and would hardly take them off the whole time..Even in the trailer...Maybe someone should tell her they are upside down..Chilin like villlains
Couldn't help but post this one
Perry and I went on a 4-wheel ride where we saw gorgeous views like this...(and the picture doesn't do it justice)
I also took Logan on a little ride where she completely crashed out..
Of course I had to take some cute shots of the kids and family.
Cute bridge by the river..
Found the perfect spot for a family picture... Right by this fence....Too bad Perry would be a no-go on that one. stinker
Some of the rest of the crowd that was there. Don't you love Logan's AWESOME bed head?
TRIP TO UTAH- Perry went to D.C. again for work so you guessed it.. I went to Utah...While in Utah we went boating to Utah Lake and Logan and Hallie got on the tube with Lauri and me. Logan wasn't going to have anything to do with it until Hallie-(the daredevil she is) wanted to get on...Logan wasn't about to be outdone by her younger cousin-so she decided to have a go at it too.
Met up with a couple of my besties from high school at Liberty park-where the kiddos enjoyed playing in the water fountain park. It was good to catch up and chat like old times.. Also ran into Colby Frasier at the park-(A friend that ran track/x-country with Tara and I-how random is that?) I also made the ten-o clock news by channel 5 asking me a random question. Crazy day at Liberty park..but oh so fun..
Annica, me, Tara and the kids. Went to the new waterpark/pool in Payson. It was really nice and perfect for kids.
At the tail end of the week we went to the Howell reunion in Heber. We stayed in the church- owned cabins for a night. It was good to see all of my cousins/aunts/uncles who I never get to see. It was crazy to see how big all of their kids are getting.
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