Friday, March 6, 2009


Yesterday I went to TJ Max and took Logan into the dressing room to try some clothes on. I was having a hard time keeping her by me in the stall as she kept wanting to crawl away and see another baby around her age a couple stalls down. (that is a story in itself) Anyway, after trying some stuff on I look down and Logan has a big old wad of gum in her hands she is playing with and to my horror.....licking. I have one word...YUCK! I did not have any wipes because I left her diaper bag in the car so I did my best to get the gum off of her hands. It did not help that she was throwing a fit as I was trying to clean her hands... I guess she likes ABC gum. Anyway after doing my best to clean her hands I took her to the car and got the rest off with wipes. It is kind of funny now that I think of it-but definitely wasn't funny at the time. I just have one thing to say to the gum chewers of the world...."People throw your gum in the garbage when you are finished with it... Not the ground!!!" END OF SPEECH...thanks


Brittani said...

EEEEWWWWW...I hate it when kids do things like that and even more when people leave their gum like that!

Jessie said...

I think i just puked a little in my mouth!!

Poor little Logan, she probably thought she scored big time finding a "treat" on the ground! If only she knew....

Chels said...

Can I say "YUCK"!!! I just don't get people sometimes.

Kassie, Aaron and Boys said...

It makes me sick to think about abc gum and a child getting a hold of it, nasty!!!

Mindy said...

Hahah! Ew! At first I thought you were going to say that the photo is what you found underneath the seat thingy in the dressing room! EW! HAHA! :)

Whitney said...

groose! I hope that pic. of all the ABC gum wasn't from the TJ max dressing room!