Things for me to remember about Logan at this age:
She loves playing pretend. She is content to play by herself for hours just talking to her dolls playing "princess" and being the mom. Cache is usually the dad or husband. This past year she has also had a couple "play dates." She likes playing with other girls and as much as she loves her brother-she also gets sick of his teasing and pestering.
She is really coming out of her shell and is getting more confident at talking to others. She used to be very shy, but now she is more independent and not as afraid.
She loves princesses still. Her favorite right now is Tangled, but she loves all of them.
She loves to learn. She pulls out her workbooks all the time and wants to do the activities in them. She amazes me with her memory. She can remember names, faces, small details that I don't even remember. She has really enjoyed mommy preschool this year and I think we will put her in a real preschool next year.
Although she has her occasional melt down moments-she is a sweetheart and we are lucky to have her in our family..HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOGAN!!!
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