Friday, December 30, 2011


Hope all had a Merry Christmas...We did....besides the fact half of everyone kept passing the stomach flu around..All of Perry's siblings (7 besides him) came into town and I think at least half of everyone got sick at some point during the week. Poor Perry got it twice for our family. (Luckily I never got it or the kids) Besides everyone being sick we had alot of fun though. It was great to see everyone and we had the privilege of having his oldest sister Chanel and her family stay with us for a little over a week. We had fun staying up late watching movies and playing kinect. Chanel put together a "Night at Bethlehem" where everyone dressed up and got gold coins to purchase food that would have been eaten during Christ's time, and we also had a little program. One night we played wallyball and another night we played elimination at the church. It was great to see everyone and hang out. Now that everyone is gone the kids and I don't know what to do with ourselves...Its back to our boring "real lives" I guess.. Here are some pics!
The kids had fun helping us put ornaments on the tree.
When we were in Utah for Thanksgiving we went to temple square to see the lights.Perry and I missed the ward party so we took them to the rec center to see Santa. Logan told Santa she wanted "something special" for Christmas. I have no idea what "something special" is..... These are taken with my phone-so crappy quality.

Here's the boys playing dance-kinect. It was so fun and so funny to watch!!

Tubing at Hesperus. The kids loved it..
Here's my fat man in a "little coat"
Logan and Eva tubing down the hill

Christmas morning...Santa did come...(I love that our kids are getting older and really "get it"-its fun to experience Christmas through their eyes)

Hope everyone has a great New Year!!!!


Blake and Leslie said...

Looks like you had a fun Christmas! I'm sure your kids loved it. It's always over so fast isn't it!! I love your Christmas dress, it's way cute!