My little girl turned three this past week!! Can't believe it! Anyway-we had a little party for her with family. (my parents and sister and niece were even able to come!!) Anyway-here are some pics of her party.
She wanted a princess party-so my mom and I made her a castle cake-was kind of a nightmare at first-but if turned out ok-not quite how we imagined though.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Posted by Perry, Christi and Logan at 5:33 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I put Logan in tap and ballet and took her for the second time to dance class today. Once again like last week she stood in her spot on the floor and looked at everyone else dance. Then she came home and did all the steps perfectly for me....frustrating..oh well..I'm hoping next week she actually dances instead of looks at everyone. She loves it and is so excited about going to dance-it kills me she won't do it when she gets there..I guess she will do it on her own time-(hopefully next week)
Posted by Perry, Christi and Logan at 3:05 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Went to Utah for Christmas this year. Here are a couple of key events to sum up the trip.
1-My poor sister Lauri fell and twisted her knee badly when we went skiing (ouch!!)
2-Had yummy Christmas Eve dinner with my siblings and their husbands and played our own version of "minute to win it."
3-Got to chat with my high school besties and see their cute kids over breakfast.
4-Chopped my hair..literally-the shortest I've ever had it.
5-Got the my kids and their cousins pictures taken at Penneys. (nightmare getting them ready-but they turned out ok)
6-little bit of shopping-this is always a must...
7-Got to see snow, snow, and more snow as it just kept snowing!
8-Had a good time being with family and loved that Perry could come spend some time in Utah too!
9-Was scared half to death driving home with slick roads in Dove Creek, but I made it!! (8 hrs later)
10-Love Christmas and I am so sad its over...till next year. Here are some pics. Our own version of "Minute to Win it"
The kids opened new jammies from grandma and grandpa (snowmen ones of course-so cute!)
Had fun watching the kids open their presents. Cache had more fun with the wrapping paper than the presents.
Logan got spoiled...She loved her new potty doll and 4-wheeler and princess clothes to name a few.
Posted by Perry, Christi and Logan at 5:16 PM 4 comments